
Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Conficker-C: A technical analysis

Niall Fitzgibbon and Mike Wood in SophosLabs have written a detailed technical paper analysing the latest version of the Conficker worm.

Cover of Conficker technical paper

It's an excellent piece of research, but not for the faint-hearted so be sure to be wearing your propeller hat before downloading the PDF of "Conficker-C - a technical analysis".

By the way, don't be put off by the date being April the first. This isn't an April fool. We're not the kind of guys to do that kind of thing..

Oh, and if you haven't already done so. Do yourself a favour if you suspect you might be infected by Conficker, and download our free removal tool.

sumber : http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/04/01/confickerc-technical-analysis/

removal tool 4 conficker click http://www.sophos.com/kb/54457.html

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